Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sixtel Sightings

What is a "sixtel"? Well, it's a nickname for 1/6 barrel kegs of beer, and they happen to be one of the best kept secrets around. Here in Ohio, state law allows beer retailers to sell up to 1/6 barrel sizes of kegs directly to customers; anything larger must be purchased directly from the distributor. A sixtel will yield around 50-55 pints of beer, and they typically range in cost from as low as $50 up to $100 or so, although most are in the $50 - $70 range, with a $10 refundable deposit fee. That's a great value for fresh craft beer (just over a buck a pint)! Several top beer producers offer sixtels, such as Great Lakes, Goose Island, Sam Adams, Dogfish Head and others.

We're definitley heading into sixtel season, with graduation parties, weddings, reunions, picnics and the like all populating our calendars. Here at Stimmel's Market, we'll get any sixtel available in the state; just ask Sara or myself for a list. Try one soon, and you'll be the hero of the party!

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